Toshiki Nishimura


Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1994. Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2016. Completed Master's degree in Architecture (Wood Structure Engineering) from the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2018. Worked at Namazu-gumi Co., Ltd. as a carpenter and site supervisor, involved in the construction of detached houses and Japanese-style buildings overseas. Joined VUILD Inc. in 2023. In charge of developing construction methods for "NESTING," a service where clients take the initiative to build their own homes and community hubs. Engages in design, processing, and construction of woodworking, furniture, and architecture, utilizing carpentry tools and digital woodworking machines. Strives to create things that strengthen connections with people, society, culture, and nature through the objects and processes of creation.



1994熊本生まれ。2016東京大学工学部建築学科卒業。2018東京大学大学院工学研究建築専攻(木質構造)修了。株式会社大工現場監督として住宅海外和風建築施工携わる。2023VUILD株式会社入社。施主主体なって住宅地域拠点自らつくるNESTING”というサービス工法開発担当。大工道具デジタル木工機械駆使し、木工家具建築 デザイン加工施工行う。 つくるモノつくるコトを通して社会文化自然繋がりよりするようものづくり心掛ける。